SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Category: Research Project

Labour-related experiences of migrants and refugees in South Africa

Mar 12, 2024
Categories: Migration in Africa Refugees Research Project

Migration continues to be one of the persistent issues globally with large numbers of people migrating everyday for various reasons. Of the drivers of migration, the need for better economic opportunities remains one of the major drives. Even if a person is pushed to migrate because of other factors such as war, to ensure sustainability and integration one needs to have a livelihood strategy mostly through employment or business. However, the rights of migrant workers continue to... BL.PNG

Tracing the border in the city: Exploring migration and the urban borders of Cape Town

Aug 02, 2022
Categories: news Research Research Project Research Projects SCCT SIHMA

The Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) and the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town (SCCT) are hosting Corey Johnson, a doctoral Candidate at the University of Cape Town during 2022, as he conducts his doctoral research on migration and urban borders within the city of Cape Town. His research builds on recent scholarship that has sought to push beyond the notion of borders as clear lines of demarcation and separation, statically fixed to the territorial edges of...

Communication Tools and Community-Driven Initiatives to Improve Migrant Well-Being

Jun 14, 2022
Categories: Research Research Project

  On the 26 of June, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) started cooperating with the Spanish PhD Student Jose Olcina and his migration research project "Lessons from intra-African migration in South Africa to improve the well-being of the sub-Saharan migrant population in a vulnerable situation in Spain. An intersectional perspective¨ Jose Olcina is a journalist and anthropologist, and a part-time PhD student in Health Sciences at the University of Alicante... Olcina- BlogPost.jpg