News Articles

Scalabrini Day Commemoration

Jun 13, 2023
Categories: Event Migration in Africa Pastoral care of migrants and refugees Research

1 of June 2023 marked the memory of St John Scalabrini, founder of the Congregation of the Scalabrini Fathers and promoter of the pastoral care of migrants, refugees, and people on the move around the world.

We care for Climate: A training for Youth

Jun 06, 2023
Categories: climate change Migration in Africa

In October 2023 the Pastoral Office for Migrants will be hosting a “Welcome Festival” of Turin which SIHMA will be part of, thanks to the call from the youth of ASCS (Scalabrini Agency for Development Cooperation). The event is part of the “Mindchangers project” launched by the Piedmont region, in the Northwest of Italy. The collaboration between ASCS and SIHMA will be concretised in a Webinar addressed to an audience of young people from...

Africa Day 2023

May 30, 2023
Categories: news

Photo by Ian Scheneider on Unsplash   Africa Day falls on 25th May each year, with celebration events to mark the day around the country. Africa Day was established by the African Union and aims to celebrate African diversity and success and the cultural and economic potential of the continent. In Ireland, events to mark Africa Day are supported by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Government’s programme for overseas development. When the Organisation of...

“Stay Up” Film Screening Event Reflection

May 23, 2023
Categories: Event

Prepared by Rachel Chinyakata On Sunday the 14th of May, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) in partnership with the St Johns Catholic Parish in Maitland hosted a film screening event for migrants and refugees in Maitland. The film is titled, “Stay Up”, which is a production from STEPS South Africa’s...


May 16, 2023
Categories: Event

Prepared by Rachel Chinyakata On Tuesday the 9th of May, the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa in partnership with the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town hosted a film screening event for migrants and refugees. The film titled, “What’s Eating my Mind”, a production from STEPS South Africa’s Generation Africa project which features 25 medium and short films of the lived realities of African youth, through the lens of migration across 16 Anglophone and Francophone...


May 09, 2023
Categories: Migration in Africa narrative of migration

By Muluh Momasoh Three waves of migration have been identified within the context of Africa, namely the Trans-Atlantic slave trade approximately from 1526 – 1867, saw some 12.5 million African men, women, and children transported to America and Europe (Mintz, 2023), the second wave was informed by the decolonization process that took place within the continent from the mid-to-late 1950s – 1975 which prompted a lot of young African students in their quest for the most...