Press Reviews & Releases

June 2023 Press Review

Jun 01, 2023
Categories: press review

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash International Belarus art festival could renew pressure on Poland’s border. Reuters, 01 June 2023 A visa waiver for participants of an art festival in Belarus in July could serve as a gateway for migrants and renew pressure on Poland's eastern border, a senior Polish security official said on Thursday. Poland has been a refuge for opponents of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, and has become one of Kyiv's staunchest supporters since Belarus' main ally Russia...

Press Review December 2022

Jan 05, 2023
Categories: news

National: Postcard from: an immigrant’s tale Chatham House, 02 December 2022 Mistrust of immigrants is common. According to a 2019 Ipsos poll, about half of the people questioned in areas with high immigrant populations thought them ‘dishonest’. This xenophobia appears to be driven by pernicious myths about immigrants. Many also believed that migrants were taking jobs from locals. In fact, World Bank figures show each migrant worker creates about two jobs for locals. There are similar misapprehensions about immigrants being... by Mattias Diesel on Unsplash.jpg

Press Review October 2022

Nov 10, 2022
Categories: news

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash NATIONAL: Hamba kahle, South Africa 01/10/2022 Results of a survey released by infoQuest/TrendER this week indicated that 5% of employed South Africans had applied for residency in another country and would be emigrating soon. Another 14% had seriously considered emigrating and had made enquiries or submitted applications. New SA residents, mainly from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, view South Africa as their playground because of...

Press Review September 2022

Oct 06, 2022
Categories: press review

Photo by Alla Hetman on Unsplash NATIONAL: South Africa Extends Zimbabwe Special Permits by Six Months 02/09/2022 South Africa has granted a six-month extension for special permits, lasting until June of 2023. However, South Africa intends to end most special permits for foreigners in order to manage an increase of economic migrants. There has been an influx of migrants due to people seeking better economic opportunities, but this has led to resentment amongst locals due to the increased...

August 2022 - Press Review

Sep 08, 2022
Categories: news press review

Photo by Hatice Yardim on Unslpash NATIONAL: Local Church to Foster Migrants, Refugees’ Dignity: Religious Superior Visiting S. Africa 12/08/2022 On a canonical visit to South Africa, the Superior General of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles (Scalabrinians) stated that it is the Church’s responsibility, as well as everyone else, to welcome refugees and migrants by protecting them and promoting their dignity. The Superior General also praised the Southern African Catholic...

July 2022 - Press Review

Aug 04, 2022
Categories: news press review

Photo by Filip Mishevski  on Unsplash National Coverage South Africa: UN experts condemn xenophobic violence and racial discrimination against foreign nations OHCHR, 15 July 2022 The United Nations condemned reports of increasing violence against foreign nationals in South Africa and called for the government to be more accountable against the xenophobic, racist, and hate-inspired speech that impact the...