SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: Anniversary

134th Scalabrinian Congregation Anniversary

Nov 30, 2021
Categories: Event news

On Sunday 28th of November 2021, the Scalabrinian Congregation celebrated its 134th Anniversary since its foundation in 1887 from the bishop of Piacenza, Italy, Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. Blessed Scalabrini main purpose was to care for the welfare, to protect and assist people on the move, crossing the Atlantic to reach the Americas.[13430].jpg

133th Anniversary of Foundation of the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians, 28 november 2020

Nov 28, 2020
Categories: news

On the 28th of November SIHMA, as a Scalabrinian Institute celebrates the anniversary of foundation of the Congregation of Missionaries of St.Charles, Scalabrinians. This year we celebrate 133 years from the foundation. Father Mauro Lazzarato, the superior of the Scalabrinians of Europe and Africa, sends out a message for the celebration and he invites to collaborate and to keep up the attention to the reality of the facts. Here below is his message (1). In this... 133th.png