SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: security

The Exclusion of Migrant Women in Africa: Access to Safety and Security

Aug 10, 2021
Categories: news

This article is the latest and final contribution to the series about the exclusion of migrant women in Africa. Through the article, we will examine the difficulties women on the move experience to be safe and secure. As mentioned in our previous articles, migrant women often go through many hardships regarding access to health care, housing, education, identification documentation, and the labour market [i, ii, iii, iv and v]. Even though these topics have been well covered previously...

Migration-Security Nexus vs Migration-Development nexus. Is decolonization of migration a third way?

Jun 13, 2017
Categories: Discussion

The shift towards the securitization of migration is complete and this is not a news. However, so far, the debate around security and migration has involved countries in the Global North, while on the African continent discussions have privileged the migration for development paradigm and its agenda. Nonetheless, the security paradigm is gaining consensus amongst African states, some of which receive financial aid from the European Union to stop irregular migration. Countries such as Niger, Ethiopia and Sudan have put in place interventions aiming...