SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa


Assisting Seafarers through ICMA

Nov 05, 2019
Categories: Review

This blogpost will feature the experience of Father Rico, one of the Scalabrinian Fathers and Port Chaplain in Cape Town, during the ICMA conference at the end of October 2019. 21-25 October 2019 is a historic day for all the people and organizations working for the welfare of seafarers around the world. 2019 marks the 50th foundation of ICMA (The International Christian Maritime Association. For this reason, 52 government and non-government organizations,...

ICMA World Conference in Taiwan

Oct 22, 2019
Categories: Event

From 21-25 October 2019, the ICMA World Conference will take place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ICMA stands for International Christian Maritime Association, and is a free association of Christion non-profit organisations who work together to improve the situation of seafarers around the world and advance maritime welfare. The 2019 World Conference revolves around the theme “50 Years of Working Together for Seafarers, Fishers and their Families”. Not only will there be opportunity to...