SIHMA | Scalabrini Institute For Human Mobility In Africa

Tag: internship

Victoria's reflection on her internship at SIHMA

Jan 25, 2022
Categories: news

SIHMA’s team would like to thank the excellent job and contribution of our Intern Victoria, who finished her in person experience at the Cape Town Office last December. She really helped in many communication and research projects, dedicating her time in sharing knowledge and passion for human rights and migration. We are grateful for her presence and we wish she can pursuit her goals and studies in the humanitarian field.  Here is her reflection at the... TESTIMONIAL BLOG POST.png

Internship Reflection of Nicolette

Jan 18, 2022
Categories: news

In the last few months we had the pleasure to receive the first intern from the University of Valencia. Nicolette joined the team at the end of September collaborated with SIHMA team until the 14th of December. We are really grateful of the presence of such motivated and passionate interns coming to support our activities and research and learn more about migration in Africa. Here is her reflection on the internship at SIHMA:

Madagascar Crisis

Dec 14, 2021
Categories: news

Madagascar, one of the lowest carbon emitters globally, is one of the countries worst affected by the consequences of global warming. Madagascar, is the world's first climate change directly induced famine [5].  Southern Madagascar is going through a very difficult time. It is suffering the worst drought in more than 40 years, with more than a million people on the brink of starvation. The overwhelming drought is leading to a violation of the basic human rights...

New interns starting at SIHMA, from the University of Valencia

Nov 16, 2021
Categories: news

In the last two months SIHMA started a collaboration with the University of Valencia and had the opportunity to receive three interns from its International Master’s in Migration Programme. Nicolette was the first student who started her internship at our Cape Town office on the 27th of September, and on the 10th of November Marzia and Ángela also joined SIHMA’s team. Our students chose Scalabrini Institute... and Angela1.jpg

Nolwenn Marconnet's internship experience

Mar 02, 2021
Categories: news

This week’s Blog post is dedicated to another brilliant intern of our team, Nolwenn Marconnet, who just came to the end of her internship experience at SIHMA.  We are very grateful to have worked and shared knowledge about human mobility with her. Nolwenn's preparation and dedication has been...